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Booking menu

I've been getting emails and messages saying that people are having a difficult time finding specific piercings. the next few weeks I'll update the website and add each individual type of piercing on there to make it easier for people.

I will also be helping my parents and northern Wisconsin I will be off for 1 week starting the 18th I'll be back on the 24th.


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Simplifying the website

For some reason every time this app updates, it keeps changing a lot of things on the website and kind of messes up the messages and the settings so bear with me. I might go back to a basic page and h

Goldstar status

Hello everyone, I am placing an order with Juniper so if you were a Goldstar do you know what's up let me know if you'd like something I will be placing an order in the next 2 to 3 days you don't have

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